


主讲人:王松灵教授 中国科学院院士



王松灵,中国科学院院士,中国医学科学院学部委员,教授、主任医师。首都医科大学副校长,中华口腔医学会副会长,北京医学会副会长,口腔健康北京实验室主任。 Oral Diseases及JOR副主编, 《医学教育管理》主编、 《今日口腔》主编。发表论文239篇,以通讯作者在PNAS、EMBO J、Blood、Nat Commun等发表英文论文157篇。 第一完成人获2003及2010年国家科技进步二等奖两项;获威廉盖茨(William J. Gies)奖、吴阶平医药创新奖、中源协和生命医学奖-成就奖、何梁何利科学与技术进步奖;英国皇家外科学院(爱丁堡)Fellowship ad hominem。研究方向为唾液腺与牙再生研究。发现人细胞膜硝酸盐转运通道及硝酸盐对人体的重要保护作用;揭示牙发育新机制,研发牙髓干细胞新药,成功实现生物性牙齿再生。

Brief Introduction of Professor Songling WANG

Songling WANG, D.D.S., Ph.D.


 Academician, the Chinese Academy of Sciences

 Fellow, Academic Department of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

 Vice President, Capital Medical University

 Vice President, Chinese Stomatological Association

 Vice President, Beijing Medical Association

 Fellowship ad hominem the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCS)

 Director, Beijing Laboratory of Oral Health, Beijing Municipal Government

Dr. Songlin Wang got DDS, PhD from Peking University, then works in Capital Medical University since 1989. Dr. Wang visited in Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 1991-1992 and worked in NIDCR, NIH during 1996-1998. Dr. Wang was honored by AADR/IADR 2007 William J. Gies Award for Biological Research and 2007 Cover of the Year Award. He also received two National Science and Technology Advancement Awards of China (second class) as first principle investigator in 2003 and 2010; Wu Jieping Medical Innovation Award ; Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Medicine Pharmacy Award Prize. Now he is associate editor of Oral Diseases and Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Chinese Journal of Dental Research (in English), Chinese Journal of Stomatology, etc. He has authored more than 209 peer reviewed articles (117 in English) including PNAS, EMBO J, Blood, Nature Communications, and 16 review articles (11 in English), edited 8 books and 12 book chapters. He has national grants to support his research including National Key Basic Research Program of China (973), National High Technology Research Program of China (863), key grant of National Nature Science Foundation of China. As a supervisor, he has taught 69 PhD students, 20 Mater degree students and 18 post-docs. Major interests: Salivary gland research and tooth regeneration. The major scientific contribution including①Discovery of nitrate transporter Sialin (SLC17A5) and clinical functions of nitrate. They first discovered that parotid gland was an important organ that mediated metabolism and dynamic nitrate balance through the entero-salivary circulation of nitrate. Then they focused on this physiological phenomena and discovered Sialin (SLC17A5) functioned as a nitrate transporter in the plasma membrane of salivary gland acinar cells. Furthermore, they have been concentrating on the physiological function of nitrate and potential clinical application. They found that the protective effect of salivary nitrate could function against stress in human and rats. Dietary nitrate can prevent and rescue osteroprosis, irradiation damage to salivary glands, senescence-related decline in liver function, etc.②Salivary hypofunction restoration. His team aims to restore the salivary function through various methods. They have successfully achieved the alleviation of Sjögren’s syndrome by transplantation of the allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells. Besides, by transferring adenoviral-mediated human aquaporin-1 cDNA into salivary gland, they alleviated and prevented salivary hypofunction. Their recent work showed that systemic rapamycin administration could also alleviate and prevent salivary hypofunction and intragland Shh gene delivery mitigated irradiation-induced hyposalivation in a miniature pig model. ③Tooth and periodontal tissue regeneration. His team successfully regenerated a root/periodontal complex capable of supporting a porcelain crown, which showed biomimetic compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and torsional force. They generated a swine model of periodontitis, then demonstrated that significant periodontal tissue could be regenerated by transplanting periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) into the periodontal defects in the swine model. Furthermore, they showed that both autologous and allogeneic dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) can significantly regenerate periodontal tissues in miniature pig model and patients with periodontitis. They are developing dental pulp stem cells as a new drug of stem cells now.④Discovery of mammalian tooth replacement mechanism. They have used the miniature pig model to understand tooth development. They described the exact chronological stages of each tooth family and profiled stage-specific differential gene expression, DNA methylation and microRNA expression during deciduous and permanent dentition morphogenesis. Based on these new findings from the databases they established, they discovered that biomechanical stress regulates mammalian tooth replacement via the integrin b1-RUNX2-Wnt pathway.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2021-05-18