


主讲人:麻生明教授 中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士



麻生明,1965年生于浙江东阳,本科毕业于杭州大学,获中科院上海有机所硕士和博士学位,1992-1997先后在瑞士ETH和美国Purdue University开展博士后研究工作。现任复旦大学教授,中科院上海有机所特聘研究员及浙江大学求是特聘教授,Chin. J. Chem.主编和Org. Chem. Front.的创刊主编。1995年获基金委杰出青年基金资助,2003年入选教育部长江学者奖励计划,2005年当选为中国科学院院士,2008年当选为发展中国家科学院院士。

麻生明教授长期从事联烯合成、反应性、目标分子合成中的应用及生物活性分子的发现和以氧气为氧化剂的高选择性清洁氧化反应研究。他曾主持国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目和重点项目,中科院海外合作伙伴计划项目、是科技部973项目“创造新物质的分子工程学”首席科学家之一。独立工作以来共发表论文近500篇。曾获国家自然科学二等奖1项、上海市科技进步一等奖1项、上海市自然科学一等奖1项、世界华人有机化学奖和IUPAC OMCOS Award。

Brief Introduction of Professor Shengming Ma

Prof. Shengming Ma was born in Dongyang, Zhejiang in 1965. He graduated from Hangzhou University with a bachelor's degree, and obtained his master's and doctoral degrees from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 1992 to 1997, he carried out post-doctoral research at ETH in Switzerland and Purdue University in the United States. He is at present a professor at Fudan University. And at the same time, he is also a distinguished researcher of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Science and a Qiu Shi Adjunct Professor of Zhejiang University. He is the editor-in-chief of Chin. J. Chem. and the founding editor-in-chief of Org. Chem. Front. Prof. Ma was elected as National Distinguished Young Scholar (1995), Distinguished Professor of “Cheung Kong Scholars” (2003), Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2005), Academician of the World Academy of Sciences (2008).

Professor Ma has long been focused on the synthesis, reactivity, application of allenes, discovery of biologically active molecules, and selective clean oxidation reactions using oxygen as an oxidant. To date, his research has been supported by many national grants, including 973 Program and the National Natural Science Foundation. And he has published more than 500 SCI papers in the Chemical Reviews, Accounts of Chemical Research, Nature Catalysis, Journal of American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Chin. J. Chem., and other journals. Since he started his independent career at SIOC, Professor Ma has been honored many awards, including the Second-Class National Natural Science Awards, the First-Class Award for Progress in Science and Technology of Shanghai, the First-Class Natural Science Awards of Shanghai and the IUPAC OMCOS-13 Award.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2021-06-09